Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

50th Wedding Anniversary

From Left to Right: Anna, Jan, John, Anna Marie, Sophie

Czech Archives, Trebon' 2005

Research of Vit family conducted by the Czech Archives, Trebon' 2005:

Jan Vit [jr.]

Birth: 15.5.1873

Christened: 17.5.1873

Birthplace: Pelhrimov c. 115

Father: Jan Vit, cajkar Pelhrimov

Matouse Vita, weaving mill and Kateriny [maiden name:Straspytel] from Rohozne

Mother: Anna, daughter of

Ignace Novaka, draper in Pelhrimov and

Marie [maiden name: Nemojovsky] of Pelhrimov

Records of Roman Catholic Parish Office Pelhrimov, Pelhrimov Volume from years 1869-1885, pg. 59

Parents of Jan Vit born 1873

Jan Vit [sr.]

*Research into his birth yielded nothing. The investigation was made in the Roman Catholic parish office new all encompassing, Volume 1815-1848 [period 1820-1835]; in the birth records Roman Catholic parish office Upper [Horni] Cerekev, Volume covering years 1784-1828 and 1829-1865 [checked years 1820-1835]; in birth, death and marriage records, Roman Catholic parish office Pelhrimov, svazek for the City of Pelhrimov from years 1825-1851 [in period 1826-1835]. Finding out about who he was birth residing with at the time of his birth might help discover something is the records of the Roman Catholic parish office at lower Cerekev. His records are most likely deposited in Moravian zemskem Archives in Brno [Zerotinovo nam. 3/5, p.p. 1, 656 01 Brno], Jan Vit was most likely born in Rohozne and Rohozna. Look at vital records in the kolatury Roman Catholic parish office lower [Dolni] Cerekev.

Jan Vit [sr.], weaving mill, in Pelhrimov, c. 115

married to Anny [maiden name Novak] from Pelhrimov

married 35 years

Death: 16.3.1892

Burial: 18.3.1892

Place of Death: Pelhrimov; died at home

Age: 68 years old

Cause of death: tuberculosis

Records of Roman Catholic Parish Office Pelhrimov, Pelhrimov Volume from years 1870-1899, pg. 240

Anna Nowakowa [Novakova]

Birth: 7.6.1829

Christened: 7.6.1829

Residence: Pelhrimov Nro. (cislo) 115

Father: Ignaz (ignac) Nowak (Novak), neighbor & master mason

Mother: Marye (Marie) [maiden name: Nemogovskyho (Nemojovsky)] of Pelhrimov

Godparents: Waczlaw (Vaclav) Krepelka, neighbor & twister

Katerina, wife of Martina Krubnera, master and soukeni

[Information concerning death of Anny Vitove are not found in the records.]

Records of Roman Catholic Parish Office Pelhrimov, Pelhrimov Volume from years 1825-1867, pg. 45

Marriage Record of Jan Vit and Anna Novakova

Date: 12.10.1858

Place: Pelhrimov

Groom: Jan Vit

Age: 33 10/12

Marital status: single

Jan Vit: reserve soldier from c.k. regiment arcivejvody and master caikarsky (cajkarsky)

lives in Pelhrimov c. 115, originally from Rohozne, biological son of Matouse Vita, weaver, lives in Rohozne c. 79

and Kateriny, daughter of Ondreje Straspytle, cottager from Rohozne and Mariany [maiden name:

Mikes-ovy (Mikesove)] from Rohozne

Residence: Pelhrimov c. 115

Bride: Anna Novak-ova (Novakova

Age: 29 3/12

Marital status: single

Anna Novak-ova (Novakova), biological daughter of Ignace Novaka, master soukenickeho zdejsiho [Pelhrimov]

c. 115 and Marie, whose parents are:

Martina Nemajovskyho (Nemajovskeho) zdejsiho [Pelhrimov] and Magdaleny Straus-ovy (Strausove) zdejsi (Pelhrimov)

Residence: Pelhrimov c. 115

Records of Roman Catholic Parish Office Pelhrimov, Pelhrimov Volume from years 1825-1867, pg. 142

Grandparents of Jan Vit born 1873:


Mathaus (Matous Vitek)

Birth date: unknown

Christened: 13.2.1789

Birthplace: Czernov (Cernov), Nrs. (cislo) 8

Parents: Thomas (Tomas) Vitek and Katharina (Katerina)

Godparents: Mathias Mategka (Matej Matejka)

Anna Tomankin (Anna Tomankova)

Marriage Records of Roman Catholic Parish Office Horni Cerekev, Volume from years 1869-1885, pg. 59

*Research of death of Matouse Vitka/Vita yielded nothing. Research was in the archived records of the Roman Catholic church parish office Pelhrimov, Volume for the city of Pelhrimov, covering the years 1828-1870 and 1870-1899 (specifically years 1828-1871). Research of death of who he resided with yield information in the original records of the Roman Catholic church parish office Dolni Cerekev, whose records are kept at the Moravian Archives in Brno (Zerotinovo nam. 3/5, p.p. 1, 656 01 Brno)


Katerina Vitova [maiden name: Straspytlova from Rohozne], widow of Matousi Vitovi, weaver from Rohozne

Death: 16.10.1871

burial: 18.10.1871

Place of Death: Pisek, cis (cislo) home 56 hospital

cause of death: ochrnuti lung

age: 77 years old

Records of Parish Office Pelhrimov, Volume for Pelhrimov from years 1870-1899, pg. 8

*Research of the birth yielded nothing. The investigation was in the records of the Roman Catholic church parish office Novy Rychnov, Volume for community Kopaniny, Rohozna, Sance, Tesenov, Zadni Pole, Zelenohorske Chalupy for years 1785-1815 ( specifically years 1790-1800). Record of birth may be discovered by seeing who she resided with. Suggested records to look at re in the Moravian Archives in Brno. (Zerotinovo nam. 3/5, p.p. 1, 656 01 Brno)

She was probably born in Rohozne as she was a member of the Roman Catholic church in Dolni Cerekev.

Marriage Records of Roman Catholic Parish Office Horni Cerekev, Volume from years 1869-1885, pg. 59

Marriage Record of Matous Witku (Vitek) and Katerina Straspitla (Straspytla)

Groom: Matous Witka (Vitek), cottager

biological son of: Thomase (Tomase) Witkowiho (Vitka), cottager from vsi Czernova (Cernova)

and Kateriny [maiden name: Weywodowy (Vejvodove) from Lesniho Mlyna, poddani (serf?) of Pelhrimov

Residence: Czernov (Cernov), village Nro. (cislo) 10

Marital Status: single

Age: 32 years

Bride: Katerina, biological daughter of Ondereje Straspitla (Straspytla), cottager from vsi Rohosny (Rohozne)

and Anny [maiden name: Mikess (Mikes) also from Rohosny (Rohozne)

Residence: Rohsna (Rohozna) Nro. (cislo) 10

Marital Status: single

Age: 27 years

Records of Parish Office Pelhrimov, Volume from years 1804-1828, pg. 294